After the former article of connection to Google Spreadsheets, we’re going to import the data “on schedule" and “automatically" now.

Using Pentaho Data Integration PDI to connect Google sheets

Don’t doubt. It’s totally different topic and function. I’m sure you can’t even get it done in 1 day again. I saved your working day (or even more) in 10 mins. You’re welcome.


Steps are as below:

  1. Create a “Job" (not “transform" as former article)
  2. Pull “start" -> “transform" -> “Success"
  3. Know the function in PDI- Kitchen.bat
  4. Using Kitchen.bat to set your own batch file
  5. Testing with proper log
  6. Result

1. Create a “Job" (not “transform" as former article)

Create a Job

2. Pull “start" -> “transform" -> “Success"

Looks like this. Pull from Design-> General … and get those linked.
Browse your .ktr files for connection to Google Spreadsheets transform

3. Know the function in PDI- Kitchen.bat

Read it carefully. Pick up your own choice.

4. Using Kitchen.bat to set your own batch file

cd C:\Users\SamXiao\Documents\ETL tools\data-integration
rem declare the PDI location for execution
kitchen.bat /file:"C:\Users\SamXiao\GSconnectionproc.kjb" /level:Basic > “C:\Users\SamXiao\Documents\spoon.log"
rem use kitchen.bat to run .bat file and save log
@echo on

5. Testing with proper log

Double click the batch file -> Run-> Check logs. You could change the log level if you want.

6. Result

No problem!

Please don’t ask me about the task setting in OS. There are plenty of articles of it.